Thursday, March 7, 2013

Major Overhaul of WTF

When I started writing WTF I was a beginner in Python, so I followed a lot of Java programming practices.  Now that I have a better grasp of Python, I'm planning a major refactor of WTF.  I'd like to bring the naming in line, and using what I know about default parameters, to simplify a lot of the classes.

This will break a lot of tests for current users of WTF, I'll have to apologize for not studying the language in depth from the get go.  I hope you can bare with me, it'll be much more consistent with how other frameworks are written when I'm done.

I see this as an opportunity to really test out the development and branching strategy.  While I'm doing a massive refactor of WTF at home, I'm still consuming WTF at work and making changes from there as well to the old code base.  As many of the things will be changing around, I think I'll be able to put the Git Flow model of branching through some serious experimenting as I tackle the merge issues.

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